What's for dinner tonight ?
I've just realized just how demanding i am towards my mom...i think, you tend to be very demanding towards your most loved ones...I was driving home after a long day at work, and it crossed my mind to buy something home to eat. Then i decided not to cuz I figured my mom will whip up something delicious....but to my dismay, she didn't cook tonight ! All i get to eat is this packet of "zha cai fan" that she bought. So, i opened it up, and to my horror, i saw no meat ! I mean.....it's all vegetables ! ok, i must admit, i simply hate vegetables...and i can't live a day without meat...so, i was rather disappointed. But i shared it with Kit Kit anyway...My mom had to fry a piece of luncheon meat to satisfy me...i know, i'm very bad...Actually, there's bird flu almost everywhere, it's better that I don't take so much chicken....i really have to bear this in mind man...But i think at the end of the day, i was too demanding. I should be thankful that i have rice with vegetables...how abt people out there who can't even taste a grain of rice ?*shame on me*
You're my Superstar
Is there anyone out there who likes to watch "campus superstar" ? Haha...I don't know why, but I'll be glued to the TV every Mon 8pm, for it's Campus Superstar time !Actually, some of them can really sing quite well...and looking at them brings back great memories of school days. I love my Sec sch days...I was a geek in Sec 1. I actually went to sch early (was in the afternoon session), and read story books at the lobby till 1pm..now, how many people will do that ? Real crazy yah ? Sec 2 was the yr that I finally saw the light...started going shopping before sch starts, heh heh....it was also the yr that i became mad over basketball....as well as Andy Lau and Jacky Cheung, or rather, the "4 Heavenly Kings"...Then came Sec 3 & 4, the 2 yrs that saw classes unite and fight for the champion class in the annual school sports day...holding that trophy in one's hands gives immense joy...also the years that we started attending school plays, watching school concerts, and getting to know boys from....(Yvonne will know this ) =PJC was fun too, but workload is really too much...and we had Talentime in JC years...yupz, yours truly took part with some frens, but obviously we didn't even make it to the 2nd round, or else I'll be the next Stefanie Sun already hehe...All in all, those were the good old days. And i think as one grows older, one gets more nostalgic, trying to grab a piece of the past in the adult's complicated world. It's as if those great old memories can let us smile and forget what we have to face, at least for that moment. It was so innocent. Just had to worry abt exams, and homework, and maybe BGR...but now, have to worry abt making ends meet, parenting issues (in future), on top of work stress. Now, how many of us wish we can just go back for 1 day ? Some frens were lost along the way, sometimes we just don't have the energy and time to keep in touch, and sometimes, you don't contact a person for so long that it becomes awkard when you call..how you wish it was the past, see each other everyday and have endless topics to gossip about..when we were not so bothered by what others think of us. While we were young and courageous...Thus, watching Campus Superstar is like a chance for me to be in their world..hoping to rekindle that fire in me, just like the old days...it always makes me smile when i see them sing and dance on stage. It's good to be young. Energetic, innocent, and where friendship rises above all.
Married Life
I am actually on very good terms with my students' parents, and some of them are very "fren" with me..everytime i meet them, they like to ask how my marriage life is. I always answer, "ok lah"...i think i didn't show too much excitement...until once, a parent actually looked worried and asked, "Are you happy?"...Indeed, i am happy. I mean, everything is fine.I like the idea that we'll go home together, and eat together etc. But i think the main reason why I don't show too much excitement is because...basically, there's not much difference now as compared to last time ! For the simple reason that my mom is staying with us ! It makes a whole lot of difference. I don't even have to do marketing, as she'll cook my fav dishes everyday, and all i have to do is to sit and eat ! I mean, everything is taken care of...just like old times...the only big difference is there's a man staying with us now. It used to be just me, my mom and auntie. Now, we're a happy family of 4, and occasionally, my uncle will eat dinner with us. So, everything is the same...I'm in fact very grateful...i think not many women have the chance to stay with their moms after marriage, and I'm one rare lucky person. And for this, i'm indeed thankful for Kit Kit..for being so understanding towards my needs. Although he likes to joke that it's better that my mom stays with us cuz I cook horribly, i know deep inside, he's very sensitive to my needs. Of cuz, this is not an excuse not to learn cooking.....but i must admit, i don't exactly like the kitchen...ironically, the kitchen is one of my fav places in my home, but not my fav also as i just don't like cooking....i think, i simply don't have the potential for it.
Shopping Queen
Yesterday was the great "off" day....I went to Jurong Pt to watch "Pink Panther"...really funny and silly show. But i think sometimes people do need such shows to unwind...Then, i went shopping as usual. In the end, I bought 1 pair of shoes, 2 tops and 1 skirt. Kit Kit asked me whether I bought anything when i went to fetch him...then before i could answer, he said, "I know you must have bought things !"....Yupz...he knows me too well...and "off" days are not that cheap afterall haha....
Pleasant Surprise
What a surprise ! My dear Kit Kit actually bought me a pendant for Valentine's Day ! Oh my oh my....surprise surprise..i mean, knowing him....he doesn't believe in buying Valentine's Day gifts, hence i was truly pleasantly surprised when he gave it to me. Though the design is not what i have in mind, but i guess it's the thought that counts...he likes it as it's simple. He likes simple things...but i personally prefer something bigger...maybe cuz I'm rather big-sized, hence a bigger pendant may look better on me haha !
But well, being the practical him, we didn't have V'day dinner on 14th Feb, we had it the night before hahah...but we had it at one of our fav italian places "Pete's Place" @ Hyatt Hotel...though something @ Mezza Nine may be even better hehehe...But then again, i'm generally very happy....and tomorrow I didn't need to go to work, cuz Miss Heng has declared a day off for the whole sch due to the excellent O'levels results. Pleasant surprises really makes one's day.....
I'm in Love
Everyday when i approach my house, someone greets me at the door. I'll talk to him, play with him for a while, and occasionally stealing a kiss from him *grinz*
He's really cute, and I find that i enjoy coming home with him around...his name is Ian, and he's in actual fact, my neighbour's son haha !I know, people's children are always cute...when you have to take care of one, it's a different story...This picture is taken at my place when he came over to say "gong xi fa cai"...my heart simply melted..