Welcome to Motherhood

It's really funny how things turned out in the end.
I was so upset initially cuz my gynae told me he's going overseas for a conference during my due date ! Argh..how can that happen to me ? I was left with 2 choices: either induce baby at 38 weeks or i could wait till full-term, but be delivered by another gynae. I was totally confused. Part of me wanted to wait, but part of me wanted to be delivered by someone I'm familiar with.
The last check-up showed that my water level was getting low, so doc said I have to induce. Okie, so I was all set to go into hospital for the process on 5th Sept 10pm, so baby will be born on 6th Sept. But soemhow, baby has her own timing, or rather, God has a plan. I was so kan-jiong on 4th Sept night i thought my water bag broke. Kit Kit drove me to hospital, the nurses checked and told me my water bag didn't break. My doc told me to stay overnight so that he could just check me the next morning. Alright....then ! I started having contractions...blah blah blah, and after 12 hrs of labour, baby Chelsea was born on 5th Sept 2.54pm !
So, here I am, 2 weeks into Motherhood, and still surviving...Chelsea gave me a big smile this afternoon, and my heart almost melted. Didn't have time to take many photos yet, but surely, there'll be many chances in future. In fact, Chelsea looks a little different now. =)
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