I'm in Love

Everyday when i approach my house, someone greets me at the door. I'll talk to him, play with him for a while, and occasionally stealing a kiss from him *grinz*
He's really cute, and I find that i enjoy coming home with him around...his name is Ian, and he's in actual fact, my neighbour's son haha !
I know, people's children are always cute...when you have to take care of one, it's a different story...
This picture is taken at my place when he came over to say "gong xi fa cai"...my heart simply melted..
At 10:52 PM,
Jemej said…
Hahaha... maybe it's time to have a baby? ;)
At 9:41 PM,
欣颖 said…
no lah...wait a bit more haha
At 11:01 PM,
Little Miss Snooze said…
Haha I echo jemej's question. at least u "think" ready for motherhood. :D
At 11:54 PM,
Jemej said…
yeah, do it while you are still young with bountiful energy! hee..
At 12:26 AM,
Little Miss Snooze said…
And somemore she is the one proclaiming that "gals no need to work, just stay home be mummy" when we were but sec 2! :P
At 9:36 AM,
欣颖 said…
haha that was in sec 2! now i tink wk is impt, if not how to maintain my lifestyle ?
At 4:42 PM,
Little Miss Snooze said…
HAH!esp if u go around beow-ing LOEWE bags!
At 1:58 PM,
Jemej said…
Oh wow! You guys have been friends since sec 2? Long time. It's always a great feeling to be still so in touch with long time friends!
Ya lor, I also want to not work and just uh, nuah. But can't do that if you still need to go do your hair, mani/pedi, go shopping, drink nice coffee and tea... yes, beow the bags... and of course, getting married!! wah! it's an expensive affair!!
At 3:03 PM,
Little Miss Snooze said…
Tats why we both still working and thinking ever more seriously how to up the combined, if not, our own income. tsktsk.terrible.
all our tai-tai dreams...
yah, we knew each other since Sec 1 actually! :P
Gosh tats really a looong time eh.
At 7:59 PM,
欣颖 said…
Yes..Yvonne has been proclaiming her tai tai dream since so long ago ! But then again, do taitais ever get bored doing nothing but shopping and going spas all dae long ?
At 11:39 PM,
Jemej said…
Dunno leh, maybe one day mani pedi, day2 spa, day3 foot reflexology, day4 steam hair, day5 go some hobby class, day6 mahjong, and last day of the week keep husband company. All 7 days interspersed with high tea and coffee, and dinners.
Can what! One week all filled already! Hahahahahaha
At 12:04 AM,
Little Miss Snooze said…
no laah.day6 shld be shopping with kids!
At 11:18 PM,
Jemej said…
Oh yah, missed out the kids! sorry ah, not at that stage yet! hee
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